Code of Ethics

C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. is a company active in the design, construction and commissioning of machines and systems for the automation of production processes.
The Code of Ethics adopted by C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. is a set of principles and rules whose observance is of fundamental importance for the proper functioning and improvement of the reliability of the Company.
The Code of Ethics is addressed to all those who, whether employees or collaborators, establish relationships or relations with the Company, whether direct or indirect, on a stable or temporary basis or otherwise work to pursue the Company's objectives. These are required to know the Code of Ethics, to contribute to its implementation, its improvement and its dissemination.
The Company undertakes to have all employees and collaborators sign a copy of this Code of Ethics and to disseminate its contents and objectives.
Anyone who violates the principles and rules contained in this Code damages the relationship of trust established with the Company.
The rules of the Code apply without exception to all employees and all those who work to achieve the objectives of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l.
It is the responsibility of each activity manager to give concrete expression to the values and principles contained in the Code, taking responsibility internally and externally and strengthening trust, cohesion and team spirit.
The employees and collaborators of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l., in due compliance with the law and regulations in force, shall adapt their actions and conduct to the principles, objectives and commitments provided for by this Code. All actions, operations and negotiations performed and, in general, the conduct of employees and collaborators of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. in the performance of their work are inspired by the utmost fairness from the point of view of management, completeness and transparency of information, legitimacy in form and substance and clarity and truthfulness in accordance with the regulations in force and internal procedures.
All activities in the company must be carried out with the utmost commitment and professional rigour. Each employee and collaborator must provide professional contributions appropriate to the responsibilities assigned and must act in such a way as to protect the prestige and image of the Company. Relations between employees and collaborators, at all levels, must be based on criteria and conduct of fairness, collaboration, loyalty and mutual respect.
For the full observance of the Code, each employee and collaborator may refer to his/her supervisor or to the Management of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l.
For the full realization of the purposes underlying the Code, C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. in the person of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, undertakes to ensure the adoption of all initiatives that can guarantee:
• maximum dissemination of the Code among the Company's employees and collaborators;
• the deepening and updating of the Code in order to adapt it to the evolution of reference values and regulations relevant to the Code;
• the provision of every possible means of knowledge and clarification regarding t h e interpretation and implementation of the rules contained in the Code;
• carrying out checks on any reports of violations of the Code or reference standards;
• the assessment of the facts and the consequent implementation of appropriate sanctions in the event of a violation;
• that no one may suffer retaliation of any kind for providing information on possible violations of the Code or the relevant regulations.
Each employee and collaborator of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. is required to be familiar with the rules contained in the Code and the reference standards that govern the activity performed within his/her function. In particular, the employees and collaborators of C . V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. are required to
• refrain from conduct contrary to these rules;
• operate with impartiality, independence and criteria inspired by professional ethics;
• maintain the confidentiality of all data, information and documents generated or of which they become aware in the performance of their activities, undertaking not to disclose either documents or confidential information without the authorization of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. (who may only grant it if he has obtained authorization from the Customer/owner of the data itself where necessary)
• contact their supervisors or the management directly if they need clarification on how they are applied; • Promptly report to the Chairman of the Board of Directors violations of this Code of which they become
aware or claims of violation received;
• inform collaborators who enter into relations with C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. about the prescriptions of the Code of Ethics and request compliance with it;
• ensure that employees and collaborators understand that compliance with the rules of the Code is an essential part of the quality of work performance;
• carefully select, to the extent of their competence, employees and external collaborators in order to prevent the assignment of tasks to persons who do not give full reliance on their commitment to comply with the rules of the Code or who are in breach of the requirements of impartiality;
• report in a timely manner, to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, their findings, as well as information provided by employees as well as from outside concerning possible violations of the rules;
• take immediate corrective action when required by the situation;
• prevent any kind of retaliation against employees and collaborators who have reported violations of the Code.
The corporate assets of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. consist of physical and tangible assets, such as tools, computers, printers, equipment, cars, real estate, infrastructure and intangible assets, such as confidential information, know-how, technical knowledge, developed and disseminated to and by the employees of the
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. Safety, i.e. the protection and preservation of these assets, constitutes a fundamental value in safeguarding the company's interests.
Each employee and collaborator are personally responsible for maintaining this security by complying with and disseminating the relevant company directives and preventing fraudulent or improper use of, damage to or loss of company assets.
The use of such assets by employees and collaborators must be functional and exclusive to the performance of company activities or the purposes authorized by the company departments concerned.
It is the policy of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. to disseminate at all levels a culture characterized by awareness both of one's own responsibilities at an individual and collective level, and of the existence of controls (also implemented through internal audits), as well as characterized by the assumption of a control-oriented mentality. The attitude towards controls must be positive because of the contribution they make to improving the organization’s efficiency.
Internal controls are defined as all the tools necessary or useful to direct, manage and verify activities with the aim of ensuring compliance with laws and company procedures, protecting company assets, efficiently managing activities and providing accurate and complete technical, accounting and financial data.
The responsibility for implementing an effective internal control system is shared by every level of the organizational structure; consequently, all employees of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l., within the scope of the functions they perform, are responsible for the definition and proper functioning of the control system.
Within the scope of their duties, the Persons of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. and its collaborators are required to be participants in the company control system. Everyone must feel responsible custodian of the company assets (tangible and intangible) that are instrumental to the activity performed. No employee or collaborator may misuse the assets and resources of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. or allow others to do so.
Every Person has the right to work in an environment free from any kind of discrimination based on race, religion, sex, ethnic, trade union or political affiliation. C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. requires that in internal and external working relations harassment shall not take place, meaning:
• the creation of an intimidating, hostile or isolating working environment towards individuals or groups of persons;
• unjustified interference with the performance of others work;
• the hindering of individual job prospects of others for mere reasons of personal competitiveness; C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. neither admits nor tolerates sexual harassment, understood as such:
• the subordination of determinations of relevance to the recipient's working life to the acceptance of sexual favors;
• proposals of private interpersonal relations, conducted S.r.l. an express or reasonably evident dislike, that have the capacity, in relation to the specificity of the situation, to disturb the serenity of the addressee with objective implications for his or her work expression.
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. is inspired by and observes the principles of loyalty, fairness, transparency, efficiency and openness to the market, regardless of the importance of the business.
All actions, operations and negotiations carried out and, in general, the conduct of the Persons of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. in the performance of their work are inspired by the utmost correctness, completeness and transparency of information, legitimacy in form and substance and clarity and truthfulness of documents in accordance with the regulations in force and internal procedures.
All the activities of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. must be carried out with commitment and professional rigour, with the duty to provide professional contributions appropriate to the responsibilities assigned. Corrupt practices, illegitimate favors, collusive behavior, solicitation, direct and/or through third parties of personal and career advantages for oneself or others, are prohibited without exception.
All the activities of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. must be carried out with commitment and professional rigour, corrupt practices, direct and/or through third parties, are prohibited without exception. It is never permitted to pay or offer, directly or indirectly, payments, material benefits or other advantages of any kind to third parties, to influence or compensate an act.
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. in managing its business and business relations is inspired by the principles of loyalty, fairness, transparency, efficiency and openness to the market.
Corrupt practices, illegitimate favors, collusive behavior, solicitation, directly and/or through third parties of personal and career advantages for oneself or others, are prohibited.
Non compete obligation
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. recognizes and respects the right of its employees to participate in investments, business or other activities outside of that carried out in the interest of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l., provided that such activities are permitted by law and compatible with the obligations undertaken as employees.
In any case, the employees of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. are obliged not to carry out any activity that may be, even potentially and/or indirectly, in competition with those of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l.
Article 2105 of the Civil Code - Duty of Loyalty - "The employee shall not deal in business, on his own
account or on behalf of third parties, in competition with the entrepreneur, nor shall he divulge information pertaining to the organization and production methods of the enterprise or make use of them in such a way as to be prejudicial to it".
Conflict of Interest and Obligations of Impartiality
In any case, all employees and management of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. must avoid any situation and all activities in which a conflict may arise with the interests of the company, or which may interfere with their ability to make impartial decisions in the best interests of the company and in full compliance with the rules of the Code. Any situation that may constitute or lead to a conflict of interest must be promptly reported to the head of the relevant company department or to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. In particular, all employees, collaborators and the Management of the
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. are required to avoid conflicts of interest between personal economic activities and the duties they hold within the company. By way of example, the following situations determine conflicts of interest:
• economic and financial interests of the employee and/or his family in the activities of suppliers, customers and competitors;
• using one's position in the company or information acquired in one's work in such a way as to create a conflict between one's personal interests and the interests of the company;
• performance of work and non-work activities of any kind with customers, suppliers, competitors;
• acceptance of money, favors or benefits from persons or companies that are or intend to enter into business relations with C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l..
Gifts or others utilities
It is not permitted to correspond with or offer, directly or indirectly, gifts, payments, material benefits or other advantages of any kind to third parties, public officials or private individuals, in order to influence or compensate them for an act they have done or to obtain any advantage from them.
Acts of commercial courtesy, such as gifts or forms of hospitality, are permitted when they are of modest value and in any case such as not to compromise the integrity and reputation of one of the parties and not to be interpreted, by an impartial observer, as aimed at acquiring improper advantages. In any case, this type of expenditure must always be authorized and properly documented. Any employee receiving gifts or favorable treatment not directly attributable to normal courteous relations shall promptly inform his/her supervisor.
External collaborators (including consultants, representatives, intermediaries, agents, etc.) are asked to adhere to the principles contained in the Code.
To this end, each employee and collaborator, in relation to his or her duties, shall take care to
• observe the internal principles and procedures for selecting and managing relations with external collaborators;
• select only qualified and reputable persons and companies;
• take proper account of indications from any source as to whether certain external collaborators should be used;
• report promptly to the Chairman of the Board of Directors on concerns about possible violations of the Code by external collaborators.
Relations with Public Institution so rother Independent Administrative Authorities
Relations with Public Institutions and other Independent Administrative Authorities, national, EU and/or international, as well as with public officials or persons in charge of a public service, or bodies, representatives, agents, members, employees, consultants, persons in charge of public functions, Public Institutions, Supervisory Authorities and/or other Independent Administrative Authorities, must be characterized by the strictest compliance with the laws in force; such relations are exclusively entrusted to the persons authorized to do so on the basis of the current delegations and proxies conferred by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. undertakes to maintain an attitude of maximum cooperation, marked by transparency and fairness, towards the above-mentioned subjects, with whom it has relations in any capacity.
In its relations with these Authorities, the Company must not improperly influence the decisions of the Authorities concerned, in particular of the officials dealing with or making decisions on their behalf.
During negotiations or business relations, including commercial ones, with the Public Administration or other Independent Administrative Authorities, in Italy or in other countries, C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. shall refrain from conduct contrary to the principles set out above, including but not limited to
• offering or granting employment opportunities and/or commercial advantages to Public Administration personnel involved in the negotiation or relationship, or to their family members;
• offering or receiving gifts or other benefits, unless they are acts of commercial courtesy of modest value; • provide untruthful information or omit relevant facts, where requested by the Public Administration.
In dealings with the aforementioned Authorities, in Italy and abroad, representatives and/or employees of the C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. shall pay, nor offer, directly or through third parties, sums of money or other benefits of any kind and entity, whether they are public officials, government representatives, public employees or private persons, to compensate or repay them for an act of their office, nor to obtain or delay the performance of an act contrary to the duties of their office.
Anti-Money Laundering
The Recipients, in the context of the various relationships established with C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l., shall not, in any way and under any circumstance, be implicated in events related to the laundering of money deriving from illegal or criminal activities. Before establishing relationships or entering into contracts with non-occasional suppliers and other Business Partners, C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. and its employees and/or collaborators shall ensure the moral integrity, reputation and good name of the counterparty.
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. undertakes to comply with all national and international rules and regulations on anti-money laundering.
Relations with the media, research companies, trade associations and other similar bodies
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. shall present itself in an accurate and homogeneous manner when communicating with the mass media, research companies, trade associations and other similar bodies. Relations with the mass media, research companies, trade associations and other similar bodies shall be reserved exclusively for the corporate functions and responsibilities delegated to them and shall be agreed upon in advance with the management of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l..
Employees and collaborators of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. may not provide information to representatives of the mass media, research companies, trade associations and other similar bodies, nor undertake to provide it without the authorization of the competent functions.
In no way or form may employees and collaborators of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. offer payments, gifts, or other advantages aimed at influencing the professional activities of functions of these bodies, or that may reasonably be interpreted as such.
Customer relations
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. pursues its business success on the markets by offering quality products and services at competitive conditions and in compliance with all rules and regulations protecting fair competition.
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. recognizes that the appreciation of those who request products or services is of primary importance to its success as a business.
To this end, the Persons of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. are obliged to:
• scrupulously observe all internal rules and procedures for managing relations with customers;
• provide accurate and comprehensive information about products and services so that customers can make informed decisions;
• adhere to truth and clarity in communications with customers.
People at C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. are required, during working hours, to:
• have a tidy appearance, which also includes personal care and hygiene (and so, for example, shoulder- length hair must be tied back, beards must be shaved or otherwise tidy, ornaments, such as jewellery, flashy earrings, piercings, etc., must be avoided);
• always wear, where required, at customers' premises and in the laboratory, the company uniform and PPE - mandatory personal protective equipment - that does not show, through the display of symbols, any inclination - whether positive or negative - towards races, religions or political opinions (and so, by way of example, symbols such as swastikas may not be displayed). Any personal needs (e.g. medical) that may lead to a deviation from these guidelines must be reported to and discussed with the Chairman of the Board of Directors and the RSPP; company uniforms and PPE must be kept clean, tidy and any damage and the need for replacement must be reported immediately to the RSPP or the company supervisor;
• maintain a sober, "neutral" and "professional" behavior (and so, by way of example, avoid, especially with customers or in the presence of customers, expressing political, religious and other opinions and judgements, avoid disclosing information on the activities of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. or providing information on activities carried out for other company customers, etc.).
Relations with Suppliers
It is the precise duty of the personnel of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. to check that suppliers and collaborators comply with the above conditions, and that they maintain the ethical standards required by the company and by this Code.
In the event that there are well-founded doubts as to the ethical behavior and compliance with the aforementioned principles on the part of a supplier or a collaborator, C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. will take the appropriate steps to ascertain the violation and take appropriate action.
In contracting, procurement and, in general, the supply of goods and/or services, the employees of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. are obliged to:
• scrupulously observe all internal rules and procedures for the selection and management of relations with suppliers, and in particular ensure that the selection of suppliers is based on objective and impartial assessments based on quality, price and guarantees provided;
• make the choice of suppliers on the basis of the company's needs with the aim of obtaining the best possible conditions in terms of quality and cost of the products/services offered;
• obtain the utmost cooperation from suppliers in constantly ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. and its customers in terms of quality, cost and delivery times;
• maintain a frank and open dialogue with suppliers, in line with good business practice;
• bring relevant problems arising with a supplier to the attention of the competent corporate functions, so that all possible consequences can be assessed in the interest of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. and its customers.
The concept of transparency in accounting records does not only concern the actions of employees in the administrative offices, but applies to every employee, in whatever area of the company he or she works. Accounting transparency is based on the truth, accuracy and completeness of the basic information for the relevant accounting records.
Each employee is therefore required to cooperate to ensure that management events are correctly and promptly represented in the accounts in accordance with the criteria indicated by law and the applicable accounting principles. Adequate supporting documentation of the activity performed is kept on file for each transaction:
• easy book keeping;
• the identification of different levels of responsibility;
• accurate reconstruction of the operation, also to reduce the likelihood of misinterpretation.
Each record must reflect exactly what is shown in the supporting documentation. It is the duty of each employee to ensure that the documentation is easily traceable, ordered according to logical criteria, duly authorized, verifiable, consistent and congruous.
Maintaining a good level of computer security is essential to protect the information that the
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. uses this technology every day and it is vital for the effective development of company business policies and strategies. The gradual spread of new technologies exposes the company to risks of both financial and criminal involvement, while at the same time creating image and security problems.
Modalities for the correct use of company computer systems
Considering that the use of the company's IT and telematic resources must always be inspired by the principles of diligence and fairness, attitudes that are intended to underpin any act or conduct in the context of the employment relationship, employees are in any case required to adopt the additional internal rules of common conduct, aimed at avoiding unconscious and/or improper conduct that could cause damage to the company itself, other employees or customers, in compliance with the instructions provided by the competent manager.
Corporate computer systems
The personal computer (fixed or mobile), its equipment and the related programs and/or applications entrusted to the employee are, as is well known, work tools.
• such instruments must be stored appropriately;
• such tools may only be used for professional purposes (in connection with the assigned tasks, of course) and not for personal, let alone unlawful, purposes;
• Theft, damage or loss of such instruments must be promptly reported to the company.
For the above-mentioned purposes, acts or conduct in conflict with the above-mentioned indications are therefore to be avoided.
Personal computer use
In order to avoid the serious danger of introducing computer viruses and altering the stability of computer applications, employees and management of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. :
• It is only permitted to install programs from outside if expressly authorized by the responsible person; • all software installed on PCs must be properly licensed and registered according to the prescribed
procedures, no 'copied' software may be installed on company PCs;
• The use of programs not officially distributed by the responsible person is not permitted;
• it is forbidden to upload onto company PCs material subject to copyright or royalties without C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. being the direct owner or licensee (it is forbidden to upload onto company PCs music, videos, scanned book texts, etc. unless purchased directly from C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l.)
• you are not allowed to change the configurations set on your PC;
• you may not install your own means of communication (such as modems or other unauthorized connections) on your PC;
• On PCs equipped with a sound card and/or CD player, listening to programs, audio or music files, etc., is not permitted, except for purely business purposes;
For PCs and portable devices (tablets, smartphones connected to the internet, etc.) the rules of use are the same as those indicated for PCs and stationary company equipment; whoever has a portable device in use is responsible for its content and the files/programs installed on it, which must comply with what has been described above for stationary devices. The assignee must take special care to prevent misuse by unauthorized personnel, withdrawal or viewing of confidential company files, use of unauthorized internet or email programs and connections. Company portable devices are reserved for "professional" use, only C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S . r . l. personnel may access and operate them (or external persons specifically delegated and/or under the supervision of the assignee C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. personnel, who is and remains solely responsible for the device).
Use of magnetic/optical media
Employees and management of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. are not permitted to download files and other contents on magnetic/optical media that are not related to their work.
All files of uncertain or external origin, even if related to work, must be checked and authorized for use by the competent manager (it is however good practice to avoid their use as much as possible).
In the event of loss or misappropriation (theft) of magnetic or optical media containing company data, it is mandatory to immediately report the loss to the Chairman of the Board of Directors so that appropriate action can be taken to contain the actual or potential damage suffered by the company.
Use of the corporate intranet
Network drives are strictly professional information sharing areas and may in no way be used for other purposes. Therefore, any files that are not work-related may not be placed, even for short periods, in these units.
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. reserves the right to proceed with the removal of any file or application that it considers to be dangerous for the security of the system or acquired or installed in violation of this Code.
Use of the Internet and related services
To the employees and management of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l:
• surfing sites not related to the performance of assigned duties is not permitted;
• the carrying out of any kind of financial transactions, including remote banking, on-line purchases and the like not related to the company's activities, is not permitted;
• Downloading free software (freeware and shareware) from Internet sites is not permitted, unless expressly authorized by the responsible person;
• any form of registration to sites whose content is not work-related is prohibited;
• Participation for non-professional reasons in forums, the use of chat lines, electronic noticeboards and guest book entries even using pseudonyms (or nicknames) is not permitted;
• The storage of computer documents of an outrageous and/or discriminatory nature on grounds of sex, language, religion, race, ethnic origin, opinion and trade union and/or political affiliation is not permitted;
• it is prohibited to download multimedia content (films, videos, music, etc.) unless it is for business purposes and only if license obligations have been fulfilled and copyright laws are observed;
• it is prohibited to publish company information and documents on websites without written authorization from the Chairman of the Board of Directors, including personal social profiles (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.);
Electronic Mail
E-mail is a working tool, and all employees and collaborators of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l:
• must use electronic mail (internal and external) only for reasons related to the performance of assigned duties, the use of company electronic mail for personal reasons, including online purchases and registrations to sites not related to company business, is prohibited;
• It is not permitted to send or store messages (internal and external) of an insulting and/or discriminatory nature on grounds of sex, language, religion, race, ethnic origin, opinion and trade union and/or political affiliation;
• e-mail directed outside the company computer network can be intercepted by outsiders, and therefore, should not be used to send 'strictly confidential' work documents;
• the use of the company e-mail address for participation in debates, forums or e-mail lists is not permitted, if not specifically related to the performance of the assigned duties;
• it is prohibited to provide one's company e-mail address on sites to receive commercial information or subscriptions to mailing lists that are not strictly related to one's professional activity;
• it is prohibited to use one's company e-mail address as 'nick-name' or 'user-id' or 'authentication name' when registering on Internet sites;
• avoid opening e-mails and files received from unknown recipients containing files (especially executable programs or word-processor files and excel spreadsheets containing macros, compressed files) and delete them immediately
• avoid opening e-mails and files received from known but not agreed recipients, or with 'file subject' texts or attachments that are not work-related;
• Since the use of e-mail is exclusively as a work tool, each employee must communicate his or her absences (greater than 2 days) and redirect communications to e-mail addresses of colleagues in charge.
As part of its business activities, C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. is committed to pursuing the objective of ensuring the safety and health of its employees and external collaborators.
C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. promotes the diffusion of a culture of safety and awareness of the risks connected to the work activities carried out, requiring from everyone, at every level, responsible behavior and respect for the safety system set up and all the company procedures that form an integral part of it.
The industrial activities of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. are managed in full compliance with current legislation on accident prevention and health and hygiene in the workplace.
To this end, C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. undertakes:
• to carry out safe activities in order to protect the health of its employees, aligning its operational strategies with the company's health and safety policy;
• guarantee the training and information of all those who work on the premises of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. on the safety risks to which they are exposed from time to time, ensuring that they are provided with the means and Individual and Collective Protection Devices required by the regulations in force in relation to the type of activity carried out.
Health and safety
Employees must observe the provisions and instructions for collective and individual protection laid down by the employer. They must correctly use the equipment, means of transport and other work equipment, as well as safety devices in an appropriate manner and report deficiencies in the means, devices and equipment as well as any other dangerous conditions of which they become aware, taking direct action, in the event of an emergency, within the scope of their competences and possibilities, to eliminate or reduce such deficiencies or dangers.
Employees and collaborators of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. shall not remove or modify safety or signaling or control devices without authorization and shall not carry out on their own initiative operations or maneuvers that may compromise their own safety or that of other workers.
Employees undergo medical examinations and health checks as provided for by current legislation.
Each employee must take care of his or her own safety and health and that of other persons present in the workplace, on whom the effects of his or her actions or omissions may fall.
Smoking is prohibited on company premises, offices, laboratories, warehouses, etc. Smoking is permitted in outdoor areas and it is forbidden to leave cigarette butts and residues outside the bins provided, and smokers are required to empty their bins weekly and hand them in for collection in accordance with the waste collection schedule established by the municipality.
It is compulsory, when working on Customers' premises, to comply with the Customers' rules on smoking and on designated areas and with the prohibitions in force.
Alcohol or drug abuse
It will be considered detrimental to the working environment during employment to serve under the influence of alcohol, drugs or substances of similar effect.
Please note that the Highway Code provides for penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs and that each person is personally liable for such Highway Code violations.
Violations of this Code will be reported, and decisions taken in accordance with the applicable labor contract laws. In particular it should be noted that non-compliance by employees of C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l. with the provisions contained in this Code of Ethics may give rise to the application of disciplinary measures in accordance with the provisions of both the law and the disciplinary section of the national collective labor contract applied.
Compliance with the provisions of this Code of Ethics must be considered an essential part of the contractual obligations of employees pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 2104 of the Italian Civil Code. Any breach of the provisions of the Code of Ethics may constitute a breach of the obligations of the employment relationship and/or a disciplinary offence, in accordance with the procedures laid down in Article 7 of the Workers' Statute
Compliance with the principles of this Code of Ethics is part of the contractual obligations undertaken by collaborators, consultants and other subjects in business relations with C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l.. Consequently, any violation of the provisions contained herein may constitute a breach of the contractual obligations undertaken, with all legal consequences with regard to the termination of the contract or assignment conferred, and compensation for damages arising therefrom.
Approved by the Chairman of the Board of Directors C.V.L. Macchine Speciali S.r.l.
Document History Rev. 0 Edit 1st issue Date 22 November 2019 Resp. Angelo Longo